Of all corporate offices usually have offices that are tense then google offices are very different to those offices, the offices of Google is probably one of the most interestingvisit. The search engine giant is known to have a unique work culture, in addition toassorted spreading royal facilities for their employees to work at home.
Google Indonesia was no exception, recently moved into a new Office in numbersTanah Abang, Jakarta. Wednesday (27/11/2013), the representative of Indonesia to the region of the Google invite a number of journalists to its headquarters were in partpeeking inside, including Kompas Tekno.
Well, as does Google's offices Indonesia? Follow the results of this exploration of theCompass Teknoberikut."The Heats Of Romance""This newly completed remodeled Office last week, the atmosphere was deliberatelymade to facilitate small teams within Google to discuss, without having to wait forsummoned by the boss, for example," said Country Head Google Indonesia RudyRamawy when giving an introduction to initiate a quick tour of Google.
Each room has a unique name, some sounded quite like "intellectual deviationWarehouse Sustenance", "Taxi", and The "Romance" Heats. Rudy admitted to thenames proposed by Google employees and is intended to invite curiosity.
"Usually the visitors or employees from other countries are going to ask what that means, then we will explain the meaning of these names so that they are more familiarculture of Indonesia," said Rudy, while adding that the Google team is deliberately notselecting a common name. "Because, if it's just a name that is known as ' Bromo ' kancan simply search on Google and discovered that what". Alas, he's less detailing the reasons behind the naming of spaces "Surge of romance".
When employees want to have a chat in a more relaxed atmosphere, however,Google's Office provides a sort of lounge for discussion. This place is located on aterrace above the reception area and offers a direct view into the heart of Jakarta,leading to Jalan Asia Afrika and Gelora Bung Karno Stadium.
Here there are a few tables, sofas, and chairs arranged in some open space. There is also a unique meeting place contains no seats, but the mattress and pillow with rice in the mountains like stairs.Want more relaxed again? There is a play area equipped with some tools of entertainment such as Xbox 360 console with Kinect motion-control device. Play it seems altogether not a taboo in the offices of Google. On the contrary, the activity isin fact facilitated.
Batik prints
As representative in Indonesia, not strange if Google tried to incorporate elements ofIndonesia's culture in the design of his Office.These things, among others, embodied in the figure of the puppet, the PunakawanSemar, Petruk, Gareng and Bagong that standing in a large glass panel one of themeeting rooms.
Rudy's own claim also contributed ideas to affirm the identity of Google employees in his Office. "My Proposal is to put batik prints on the Google logo on the front," he said.It turns out there's a reason behind the idea of its own. "Because there was a fella from neighboring who ' claim ' batik, they designed the logo in the Office with elements ofbatik cloth," says Rudy, without mentioning which country that is.
Thus, Google Indonesia also performed with batik prints. Its symbolic meaning,Indonesia is a "source" of the batik cloth. "If there is no mold, no kan batik," said Rudy.Sure, it's a true hand-made with the painting techniques of the night, but presumablyless practical for canting tacked on the wall.
Of the scheme are plastered on site, Google has a cubicle Office amounted to 82pieces. Currently, Rudy said that recently the place half filled, everything is composed of labor from Indonesia. Great Office that took a whole floor Tower 28 of the CentralSenayan II was impressed remained vacant.
Today's employees gathered in the cafeteria are the extent of the special is more than enough to accommodate them all. Of course, as does the Google offices in other countries, it also provides free lunch and snacks.
"Why free? If people are still piqued by a hungry stomach, they can't think ininnovative and free. Unlike other companies that got mine, for example, our only human capital. Thus, any employees in this regard in maintained, "close Rudy.