A major update on this MetroTube is improvement on playback video problems.Despite my own lack of attention to this issue, I got to see a playback error problemmessages which appear when opening the application.
The following notes the changes that exist in the Exchange:
Fixes for video playback
Add a function to replace the theme manually in the settings application
Improvement of image quality in the channel
Improved design and display thumbnails in the "river"
Add the button "delete all" in the search results
Updates in regions
Main tile shows video subscriptions if login
Add logout from the display of the "river"
Improvement in some cases an error while subscribing to the channel
Other minor fixes and optimization

Just additional, distinctive look MetroTube does have. Arguably the secondappearance of this application. According to their terms look of the river (the river).This view displays a more form MetroTube singset, with the menu in the right sidebar(swipe to the left to bring up). The main view is panoramic view MetroTube and pivotala Windows Phone.
Well, for this application please use the updated (when it's Yes thank goodness). Foryet, please try (and please is confused choosing between MetroTube MyTube, andTubeCast:D). Oya, MetroTube can be obtained at a price of Rp 10,000 and there is version coba-cobanya.